Publications by Dr. Vitali Petukhou

Dr. Vitali Petukhou, Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology, PhD, EBCOG
Below you can find a list of my publications in medical journals and collections of scientific papers. Many of them are co-authored with other excellent doctors and scientists.

You can read many of these publications in open access. Pay attention to the articles devoted to pelvic floor rehabilitation using vaginal cones, articles on iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy, publications devoted to issues of gynecological oncology.

I am deeply convinced that a professional doctor must develop throughout his life. Scientific activity is one of the important components of such development. When contacting a gynecologist in Dubai, you must be sure that you are contacting a professional.

Ph. D. Thesis
1. Petukhou, V.S. Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant
women: dis..... cand. of med. sciences: 14.01.01 / V.S. Petukhou. - Vitebsk,
2011. – 161 p.

Synopsis of Thesis
2. Petukhou, V.S. Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant
women: synopsis..... cand. of med. sciences: 14.01.01 / V.S. Petukhou; Vitebsk
State Medical University - Vitebsk, 2011. – 21 p.

Articles in peer reviewed journals
3. Matylevich OP, Schmeler KM, Gemer O, Petukhou VS, Kopschaj PA. High-
grade cervical dysplasia in a woman with uterine didelphys: A case report.
Gynecol Oncol Rep. 2022 Jun 17;42:101027. doi: 10.1016/j.gore.2022.101027.
PMID: 35754559; PMCID: PMC9218199.
4. Matylevich, O.P., Pletnev, A.S.,Petukhou, V.S. Fertility-Sparing Options Versus
Abdominal Radical Hysterectomy for Patients with Early Cervical Cancer:
Belarus’ 10-Year Experience / Journal of Gynecologic Surgery, Ahead of Print.
Published Online: 24 May 2021,
5. Petukhou, V.S. Vaginal cones and pelvic floor rehabilitation (literature review) /
V.S. Petukhou // Reproductive Health. Eastern Europe. - 2016. - №: 2. - p. 232-
6. Zan’ko, S.N., Petukhou, V.S. In the iron vise of circumstances: we treat
hemoglobin with iron. Experience of Belarusian colleagues / Status Praesens.
Gynecology. Obstetrics. Infertile marriage. - 2015. - № 4. - p. 126-133.
7. Petukhou, V.S., Zan’ko S.N. Effective strategy for the diagnosis and treatment
anemia during pregnancy / Protection of motherhood and childhood. - 2013. -
№2. - with. 81–87.
8. Gapanchuk, O.V., Petukhou V.S. Evaluation of sexual function of young
pregnant women / Protection of motherhood and childhood. - 2013. - № 1. - p.
9. Petukhou, V.S., Bressky, A.G.,Korzhal, I.A. Rational therapy of iron deficiency
anemia in pregnant women with inflammation / Reproductive Health. Eastern
Europe. - 2012. - №: 5. - p. 415-418. - "Innovations in obstetrics, gynecology
and neonatology": Abstracts of the IX Congress of Obstetricians, gynecologists
and neonatologists of the Republic of Belarus.
10.. Petukhou, V.S. Efficacy and safety of treatment and prevention of iron deficiency during pregnancy / Protection of motherhood and childhood. - 2011. - № 1. - p. 16-21.
11. Petukhou, V.S., Zan’ko, S.N. Differentiated approach to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of anemia during pregnancy / V.S. Petukhou, S.N. Zan’ko // Medical panorama. - 2011. - № 6. - p. 28 - 33.
12. Petukhou, V.S., Zan’ko, S.N. Iron deficiency and endothelial dysfunction as risk
factors and diagnostic markers of placental insufficiency / Bulletin of Vitebsk
State Medical University. - 2011. - T. 10, № 3. - p. 55-64.
13. Petukhou, V.S., Zan’ko, S.N. Anemia of inflammation during pregnancy: diagnosis and treatment / Reproductive Health in Belarus. - 2011. - № 3. - p. 34-43.
14. Petukhou, V.S. Anemia during pregnancy: modern aspects of the problem /
Protection of motherhood and childhood. - 2009. - № 1. - p. 68-77.

Conference Proceedings Abstracts & Symposium Publications
15. Petukhou V.S, Kopschaj P.A., Rouski D.V., Mavrichev S.A., Matylevich O.P.
Does the change in FIGO-2021-proposed method for the measurement of
stromal invasion depth lead to downstaging in vulvar cancer? / Int J Gynecol
Cancer 2022;32(Suppl 2):A435 / DOI: 10.1136/ijgc-2022-ESGO.936
15. Matylevich O.P., Kurchankou M.A., Taranenka S.V., Petukhou V.S. Intravenous
leiomyomatosis of the uterus with intracardiac extension: a case report / Int J
Gynecol Cancer 2022;32(Suppl 2):A184-185 / DOI: 10.1136/ijgc-2022- ESGO.396

16. Matylevich O.P., Petukhou V., Mavrichev S., Zubets O. Epidemiology of vaginal malignant lesions in the Republic of Belarus / Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021; 31 (Suppl 3): A1-A381.
17. Matylevich O., Petukhou V., Bakinouskaya I., Taranenka S. Outcomes of various fertility-sparing options for early cervical cancer patients versus abdominal radical hysterectomy: one cancer center ten-year experience / Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021; 31 (Suppl 4): A1-A153.
18. Matylevich O.P., Taranenka S., Petukhou V., Mavrichev S., Zubets O. Results of fertility-sparing treatment of early cervical cancer: experience of the N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus / Abstracts.St. Petersburg
International Oncological Forum “White Nights”. SPb, 2021, p.171.
19. Matylevich O., Shushkevich A., Perevoschikov P., Pletnev A., Petukhov V., Mavrichev S., Plotkin A., Gemer O., Eiken M., Ralph S., Schmeler K. 273 Project echo: 2-years experience in Belarus / International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer 2020;30:A112.
20. Taranenko S.V. Minimally invasive surgery in patients with endometrial cancer stage I / Taranenko S.V., Pletnev A.S., Akinfeev O.V., Trukhan A.V., Petukhou
V.S. / Research'n Practical Medicine Journal. Proceedings of the First International Forum of Oncology and Radiology, Moscow, September 23-27, 2019, p.216.
21. Petukhou, V.S. Urinary incontinence and difficulty urinating in women in the postpartum period / V.S. Petukhou, Strashko A.Yu. // Collection of materials of the conference of students and young scientists, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A. Z. Nechiporenko, April 21-22. 2016 [Electronic resource] / resp. ed. V. A. Snezhitsky. - Electron.text.dan. and prog. (Mb capacity) .– Grodno: GrSMU, 2016. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). - p. 128.
22. Petukhou, V.S. Incontinence of various forms during pregnancy / V.S. Petukhou, Strashko A.Yu. // Collection of materials of the conference of students and young scientists, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A. Z. Nechiporenko, April 21-22. 2016 [Electronic resource] / resp. ed. V. A. Snezhitsky. - Electron.text.dan. and prog. (Mb capacity) .– Grodno: GrSMU, 2016. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). - S. 55.
23. Petukhou, V.S. Urinary incontinence and difficulty urinating in women in the postpartum period / V.S. Petukhou / Achievements of fundamental clinical medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 71st scientific session of the University staff January 27-28, 2016 Vitebsk: VSMU, 2016. - p. 203–204.
24. Petukhou, V.S. The prevalence of various forms of urinary incontinence during pregnancy / V.S. Petukhou / Achievements of fundamental clinical medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 71st scientific session of the university staff, January 27-28, 2016 Vitebsk: VSMU, 2016. - p. 202–203.
25. Strashko, A.Yu. Prevalence of urination disorders in the postpartum period / A.Yu. Strashko, V.S. Petukhou // Student Medical Science of the XXI Century: Proceedings of the XV International Scientific Practical Conference. Vitebsk, November 4-5, 2015 / VSMU; Editorial .: A.T. Schastny [and others]. - Vitebsk, 2015. - p. 147–148.
26. Strashko, A.Yu. Prevalence of urination disorders during pregnancy / A.Yu. Strashko, V.S. Petukhou // Student Medical Science of the XXI Century: Proceedings of the XV International Scientific Practical Conference. Vitebsk, November 4-5, 2015 / VSMU; Editorial .: A.T. Schastny [and others]. - Vitebsk, 2015. - P. 146–147.
27. Radetskaya, L.E. The possibility of using innovative technologies in modern medical education / L.E. Radetskaya, N.S. Deikalo, Yu.V. Zanko, V.S. Petukhou
// Mozyrschina: people, events, time: materials of the international scientific- practical. Conf., / UO MGPU them. I.P.Shamyakina; Editorial: T.N.Symanovich (resp. ed.) [et al.] .- Mozyr, 2014.- p. 175-180.
28. Radetskaya L.E. The use of innovative technologies in the educational process at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of VSMU / L.E. Radetskaya,
V.S. Petukhou, T.N. Matsuganova // Education of the XXI century / Collection of materials of the International scientific-practical conference. - Vitebsk: VSMU, 2014. - p. 356–358.
29. Petukhou V.S. The study of sexual health in the system of higher medical education / V.S. Petukhou // Education of the XXI Century / Collected Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Vitebsk: VSMU, 2014.
- p. 605–607.
30. Petukhou V.S. Erythrocyte deformability and endothelial dysfunction in pregnant women with iron deficiency / V.S. Petukhou // Endothelial Dysfunction: Experimental and Clinical Research: Proceedings of the VIII International
Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor A.P. Solodkov, Vitebsk, May 23, 2014 / Wit. state un-t; Editorial: I.M. Prishchepa (ch. Ed.) [Et al.]. - Vitebsk: VSU named after PM. Masherova, 2014. - p. 231 - 234.
31. Petukhou V.S. Features of laboratory diagnosis of anemia in pregnant women /
V.S. Petukhou, N.S. Mazanik // Actual issues of modern medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 66th final scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists. Vitebsk: VSMU, 2014. - p. 227 - 229.
32. Petukhou V.S. The study of the acceptability of different positions during sexual activity among pregnant women / V.S. Petukhou, O.V. Gapanchuk, V.V. Karpacheva // Actual issues of modern medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 66th final scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists. Vitebsk: VSMU, 2014. - p. 224 - 227.
33. Bresky A.G. Organizational and methodical work of the department in conducting industrial practice in obstetrics and gynecology / А.G. Bressky, T.N. Matsuganova, L.E. Radetskaya, V.S. Petukhou, I.V. Smirnova // Achievements of fundamental clinical medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 69th scientific session of the university staff, January 29-30, 2014 Vitebsk: VSMU, 2014. - p. 252–253.
34. Petukhou V.S. Sexual behavior of women during pregnancy / V.S. Petukhou,
A.G. Bresky // Achievements of fundamental clinical medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 69th scientific session of the university staff, January 29-30, 2014 Vitebsk: VSMU, 2014. - p. 166–167.
35. Petukhou, V.S. Sexual behavior of pregnant women / V.S. Petukhov, O.V. Gapanchuk / / Student Medical Science of XXI Century: Proceedings of XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Vitebsk, 14-15 November, 2013 / VSMU; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2013. - p. 276.
36. Petukhou, V.S. Representation of women about sexual relations during pregnancy / V.S. Petukhou, O.V. Gapanchuk // Student Medical Science of XXI Century: Proceedings of XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Vitebsk, 14-15 November, 2013 / VSMU; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2013. - p. 274-275.
37. Petukhou, V.S. Sexual behavior among young non-pregnant university students
/ V.S. Petukhou, E.A. Gerasimenko, A.A. Alekseychikova E.I. Kotljarova // Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy: Proceedings of the 65th final scientific conference of students and young scientists. Vitebsk, 24 - April 25, 2013 / VSMU; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2013. - p. 599-600.
38. Petukhou, V.S. Female sexual function index assessment in young non- pregnant women / V.S. Petukhou, O.V. Gapanchuk, M.S. Morozova, A.G. Dzhangirova // Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy: Proceedings of the 65th final scientific conference of students and young scientists. Vitebsk, 24 - April 25, 2013 / VSMU; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2013. - p. 598-599.
39. Petukhov, V.S. Deformability of red blood cells and endothelial function in women with iron deficiency during pregnancy / V.S. Petuhov, A.G. Bressky, I.A. Korzhal // Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy: Proceedings of the 68th Scientific Session of the University staff. - Vitebsk: VSMU 31-1 February 2013; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2013. - p. 160-161.
40. Bressky, A.G. Pregnancy and childbirth in nulliparous women over 30 years/
A.G. Bressky, L.E. Radetskaya, O.V. Lysenko, V.S. Petuhou // Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy: Proceedings of the 68th Scientific Session of the University staff. - Vitebsk: VSMU 31-1 February, 2013; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2012. - p. 105-106.
41. Petukhou, V.S. Deformability of red blood cells and endothelial function in women with iron deficiency during pregnancy / V.S. Petukhou // Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy: Materials of the 63rd final scientific conference of students and young scientists. Vitebsk, 21 - April 22, 2011 / VSMU; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2011. - p. 296-298.
42. Petukhou, V.S. Endothelial function, erythrocyte deformability and level of C- reactive protein in women with iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in the I trimester of pregnancy / V.S. Petukhou // Student Medical Science of XXI Century: Materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference. Vitebsk, November 4-5, 2010 / VSMU; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2010. - p. 315-316.
43. Petukhou, V.S. Analysis of incidence, pregnancy and delivery outcomes in pregnant women with anemia / V.S. Petukhou // Student Medical Science of XXI Century: Materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference. Vitebsk, 29-30 October, 2009 / VSMU; Editorial Board.: S.A. Sushkov [et al.] -
Vitebsk, 2009. - p. 253-255.
44. Petukhou, V.S. Pregnancy and childbirth in women with anemia and various locations of bacterial and viral infections / V.S. Petukhou // Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy: Materials of the 61 final scientific conference of students and young scientists of the University, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of its formation. Vitebsk, April 23-24, 2009 / VSMU; Editorial Board.:
A.P. Solodkov [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2009. - p. 419-421.
45. Petukhou, V.S. Analysis of pregnancy and childbirth in women with iron deficiency anemia and bacterial-viral infection / V.S. Petukhou // Achievements fundamental clinical medicine and pharmacy: Materials of the 64th Jubilee Conference of University staff. Vitebsk, 26-27 March, 2009 / VSMU; Editorial Board.: V.P. Deikalo [et al.] - Vitebsk, 2009. - p. 338-340.
46. Petukhou, V.S. Functional rehabilitation of patients with chronic salpingo-oophoritis / V.S. Petukhou, O.L. Platonova // Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy: Proceedings of the 63rd scientific session of the University, 26-27 March 2008. - Vitebsk, 2008. - p. 276-278.
47. Petukhou, V.S. Restoration of ovulation after operative laparoscopy in women with infertility / V.S. Petukhou // Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy: Materials of the 60 final scientific conference of students and young scientists. - Vitebsk, 2008. - p. 357-359.
48. Petukhou, V.S. Laparoscopic surgery as a method of induction of ovulation in women with infertility / V.S. Petukhou // Abstracts of the conference of students and young scientists dedicated to the memory of Professor V. Ch. Brzeski. - Grodno, 2008. - Part 2. - p. 58-59.
49. Petukhou, V.S. Principles of functional rehabilitation of patients with salpingo- oophoritis / V.S. Petukhou // Bulletin of RSMU. Periodic medical journal. - M.: RSMU. - 2008, № 3 (62). - p. 114-115.
50. Petukhou, V.S. Differentiated approach to stimulation of ovulation in women with infertility / V.S. Petukhou // Bulletin of RSMU. Periodic medical journal. - M.: RSMU. - 2008, № 2 (61). - p. 167.
51. Petukhou, V.S. Rehabilitation of women suffering from chronic salpingo- oophoritis in reproductive age. / V.S. Petukhou // SAFE MOTHERHOOD IN THE XXI CENTURY: Proceedings of the VIII Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and neonatologists Republic of Belarus - Vitebsk in 2007. - p. 324 - 326.
52. Petukhou, V.S. Comparative analysis of rhythm and conduction disorders in patients with different localization of myocardial infarction. / V.S. Petukhou, V.A. Petukhova // Student Medical Science of the XXI century. Proceedings of the VII International scientific-practical conference. - Vitebsk: VSMU, 2007. - p. 228 - 229.
53. Petukhou, V.S. Caesarean section in the central district hospital. / V.S. Petukhou // Student medical science of the XXI century. Proceedings of the VII International scientific-practical conference. - Vitebsk: VSMU, 2007. - p. 484 - 486.
54. Petukhou, V.S. Laparoscopic diagnosis and treatment of tubal pregnancy. / V.S. Petukhou, I.F. Gavril’kova // Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy. Materials of 58 final scientific conference of students and young scientists. - Vitebsk: VSMU 2006. - p. 394 - 395.
55. Petukhou, V.S. Diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy by laparoscopic access. / V.S. Petukhov, I.F. Gavril’kova // Student Medical Science of the XXI century. Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference.
- Vitebsk: VSMU 2006. - p. 494 - 495.

Instructions for use
56. Zanko, S.N., Petukhou, V.S. Algorithm for the diagnosis, prevention and differential treatment of anemia in the pregravid period and during pregnancy: instructions for use №: 085-0811 approved. 09/30/2011 / UO VSMU; - Vitebsk, 2011. - 9 p.

Teaching aids
57. Obstetrics and gynecology. Study Guide / T.N. Matsuganova, S.N. Zanko, O.I. Prusakova, A.G. Bresky, V.S. Petukhou, - Vitebsk: VSMU, 2016. - 38 p.
  • Why should a doctor engage in scientific publications? Isn’t the main thing that he simply provide good treatment?
    Absolutely right! The most important thing is that the doctor diagnoses and treats well. That is why doctors must constantly develop, analyze and improve their practice by conducting research and publishing results. Look for your gynecologist in Dubai - pay attention to all aspects!
  • Is it necessary to defend a thesis? Many good doctors haven't done this, they just don't have enough time.
    Of course, it is not necessary to defend a thesis. Especially if the doctor does not plan to become a highly qualified professional. Many doctors work without it. Defending a dissertation means several years of hard work, in addition to the actual medical activity. These are research, analysis, publications, speeches, discussions, defending your point of view. This is development. It's not just about the presence or absence of time.

    By the way, without a PhD degree, a doctor, in many cases, cannot work as a specialist obstetrician-gynecologist in Dubai.

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